VHM/VHS monolithic endmills
Endmill is a single or multi-edged cutting tool. It is used to process elements made of steel, wood, plastic or non-ferrous materials. In the cutting process, the milling cutter driven by the machine spindle rotates around its own axis. The feed motion can be performed by a detail or tool mounted on the machine table.
end mill
A tool with blades on the perimeter and face. The blades allow cutting in the axial and radial direction. There are several varieties due to the mounting method: shell milling cutter, shoulder milling cutter, shoulder milling cutter on a morse taper.
Radius cutter
Milling cutter with a radius on the face of the tool. Like the end mill, the tool has the ability to cut in the axial and radial direction. The difference between them is that the torus cutter at the connection of the face with the circumference has a radius R. This allows you to make a specific shape on the detail and strengthens the cutting edge at the expense of greater cutting resistance.
Ball nose end mill
Ball cutter is a shaped cutter with a 180° circle outline on the face of the tool. The spherical cutter finds its application in machining elements with a very complex shape. An example of such details are injection molds and other details from the molding industry. The cutting edge of the ball-shaped tool allows you to obtain the required shape that we need to obtain on the detail.
Corner rounding end mill
Corner rounding end mill is a tool with a concave radius at the junction of the face and circumference of the cutter. It is used to fillet the connection of detail faces.
Barrel Cutter
The barrel cutter has a taper structure. The cutting edges on the periphery are ground at a specific angle α and join at a specific radius R. For injection moulds, casting molds and other tooling devices with a complex shape.