Grooving and parting inserts

parting/ grooving inserts – inserts are most often available in the form of 1-edge and 2-edge. They are mounted in the insert pocket into tool holder, cutting modules or the blade.

Depending on the holder used, we can make internal and external radial grooves as well as axial grooves on the face of the detail.

There are also 4-edge inserts for special parting and grooving holders. An example is the Tungaloy proposal – Tetra Force Cut.

Single edge parting/grooving insert

Jednoostrzowa płytka do przecinania SX

Two-edged grooving/partial insert

Płytka do przecinania GX Ceratizit

Tungaloy Tetra Force Cut Insert

Płytka do przecinania Tungaloy Tetra